To be honest, when you apply for a job, you present your best self, and the company does the same. I sometimes mention my weaknesses to show that I’m honest. However, companies don’t often do the same, even though they sometimes ask […]
The reason I started blogging can be summed up simply: because I really enjoy it and because (I believe) I can help people. Through all the books I’ve read, I’ve gained quite a bit of self-knowledge. And by getting to know myself […]
Being creative is fun, but did you know that it’s also good for both your mental and physical health? Creativity stimulates brain activity, reduces stress, and even boosts your immune system. Not bad for an hour of fun!Here’s how creativity is good […]
Jay Francis, Omschreven als controversiele comedian, humoristisch en kritisch. Zichzelf omschrijft hij als wereldverbeteraar. In de preview van zijn documentaire zegt Jay dat hij niet weet waar de docu over gaat, hij dacht dat het over de glorie zou gaan van een […]