To be honest, when you apply for a job, you present your best self, and the company does the same. I sometimes mention my weaknesses to show that I’m honest. However, companies don’t often do the same, even though they sometimes ask for references from your previous employers.

I’ve often thought about asking during an interview if I could speak to an employee about what it’s like to work there, the company culture, the scheduling, etc. But I worry that might come off as rude, which is ironic.

This got me thinking: wouldn’t it be a good idea to create a platform or forum where employees can write reviews about their employers? This way, potential applicants can get a sense of what current employees really think—honest reviews, not just the two sentences you find on the company’s website, usually something like, “Jan has been doing this job for 10 years with great enthusiasm!”

I know some companies have confidentiality agreements, but once you’re no longer under contract, you should at least be able to share your opinion about your experience.

I have plenty to say about my former employers, especially as a woman working in a male-dominated field. Unfortunately, there are still many men who don’t take women seriously as welders or metalworkers. I sometimes wonder if this will ever change. Most women are simply less physically strong than most men; that’s nature, that’s just how it is. Of course, there are exceptions. (An article about women in male-dominated fields will follow.)

Back to the topic: writing a review about your previous job.

I envision a standard form to keep it organized, which could still convey a lot about a company, allowing you to give ratings or stars on various aspects such as scheduling, communication, collegiality, professionalism, and so on.

Maybe something like this already exists; I have to admit I haven’t looked into it thoroughly. If so, never mind, but perhaps I’ll think more about doing something with this idea… who knows?

What do you think?

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