Welcome here !

Hello there!

My name is Lana and I’m so happy to see you here on my blog, Lana’s Little

The reason I started this blog is because I love to write and I also love to grow.
And I want to share my opinion about self-help books, so that you have an idea
what a book is about!

In my blog, you’re going to find interesting, honest reviews of books, but also
movies, series and I am going to write some poetry and articles about my life
and my perspective..

Regardless if you’re struggling with staying calm (like I had) or you’re just curious
about how you can grow as a person (like I am), this blog surely could give you
the motivation and inspiration to change some of your old convictions. Into new
ones that make you a happier human being.

When I’m not writing on my blog here, I love to walk in nature, draw in my
bullet-journal, work on my Chevrolet truck or spend time with family / friends.

Again, I’m so happy to see you here! I encourage you to browse around for more
inspiration and ideas. Here are some of my readers’ favorite posts to help you
get started:

LINK – will follow soon, thanks for your patience! ❤️

And if you have any questions or comments you can contact me at [email protected] , I’m looking forward to it 🙂

Love,  Lana