The Day After Tomorrow is a 2004 American science fiction disaster film conceived, co-written, co-produced, and directed by Roland Emmerich. It is based on the 1999 book The Coming Global Superstorm by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, and stars Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sela Ward, Emmy Rossum, and Ian Holm.
I had no idea it was based on a book, it’s always nice to learn something new!
I’ve thought this was an incredible movie since I was young. Maybe because I’m a bit gullible and believe that something like this could really happen. The effects seem very realistic, especially for that time. Combined with the fantastic actors, they make the entire movie.
There are several iconic moments in the film, including the scene where the janitor opens a door, and the building is half-destroyed. And the homeless man with his dog, who keeps reappearing and survives as well.
I hadn’t watched it in a while, so it was nice to see it again! I had just forgotten how abrupt the ending is, but that’s really my only criticism. Other than that, I think it’s a beautiful film—sometimes emotional, but also hopeful.
It gave me a bit of confidence in humanity, even though it’s just a movie. It’s an engaging film with some meaningful insights, such as not being too quick to judge and believing that if you truly want something, you can make it happen.